Do you have questions about dating and relationships?
We want to give you an opportunity to ask questions about love, dating, singleness, marriage, divorce, etc. To get perspectives from panelists who know what it means to be single, divorced and dating, and newly married. To remember that, whatever your relationship status: you are not alone, your feelings are valid, and God cares about your love life too.
When: Friday, April 14, 2023, food at 6:30, and the program starts at 7:00
Where: Restoration Anglican Church, 1815 N. Quincy Street, Arlington, VA 22207. Parking is provided in the lot over I-66 that is located at the corner of Quincy and 15th Street. The lot is a 6 minute walk from Restoration.
Will there be food? Yes! And it's FREE! We'll have wine, beer, iced tea and water. Yep, all that's free, too. It won't last forever, so come at the start.
Who's leading: A volunteer panel of four: one married man, one single man, one married woman, and one single woman. And all with a variety of experiences across the dating spectrum. They are Scott Buckhout, Nathan Thompson, Jen Paterno and Angie Savino. The moderator will be Kemi Adegoroye.
The topic: Love, dating, relationships, and where God comes into it all.
Kemi Adegoroye is a musician and attorney born and raised in the DMV. She often explores themes of relationships in the music she writes, based on her firsthand experiences in love and modern dating. As the moderator for the evening, she looks forward to digging into the diverse perspectives of our panelists across the relationship spectrum. For more information, visit her website at
Angie Savino is originally from the Pacific Northwest, but has called the DMV home for the past ten years. She has navigated through many of the ups and downs of the DC dating scene. Throughout her experiences, and that of several close friends, she has had many conversations about the joys, frustrations, and complexities of dating in the church. She looks forward to continuing that conversation on the panel.
Nathan Thompson is a doctoral candidate and assistant policy researcher at the RAND Corporation, where his work focuses on interpersonal dynamics and organizational management. An Arlington, Virginia native, he is excited to be back in the DC area after stints in London, New York, and Los Angeles, and he is looking forward to having the chance to discuss dating and relationships with his fellow panelists.
Jen Paterno is married to Lide and a stay-at-home mom to four children, ages 3-9. After working off and on as a labor and delivery nurse and a clinical counselor, she has been seeking and discovering what it looks like to find purpose in following Jesus as she cares for the varied needs of all the people in her household.
Scott Buckhout is a pastor at Restoration Anglican Church. He spent his 20s working in DC. In his 30s, he discerned a call to ministry. He went to Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, where he met his wife, Shannon. They got married in 2020 and live in Arlington.