Bible Studies
The Navigators initially developed this series to support church-based discipleship. They found it to be so loved and impactful that they expanded its use to anyone who desired. They called it the 2:7 Series, based on Colossians 2:7 “Rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” We’re using the language of DiscipleMaking to describe the series, because it’s more readily recognizable.
What is the purpose of the DM101 study? What the Holy Spirit expresses through Paul in Colossians 2:7 clearly describes the specific goals of this training:
For a Christian to be built up in Christ and strengthened in his or her faith. This series of courses includes instruction in practical Bible study, Scripture memory skills, how to sharpen one’s devotional life, and how to be more effective in evangelism. The objective is to become consistent in these disciplines rather than to just accumulate Bible knowledge.
For a Christian to learn to overflow with thankfulness in everyday life. The series will help an individual learn to experience and enjoy a stable and consistent daily walk with Christ.
For a Christian to be taught. The learning that strengthens our life does not come from lectures. Over time we see life transformation if we stay consistent in Scripture, listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and applying what we learn. The discussions can impact every member of our group in positive ways.
What are the desired results of DM101? Many who work through this series develop qualities enabling them to assume greater responsibilities and become more effective in their churches and elsewhere. Marriages and families have been helped as individual members have grown spiritually and become firmly established in their daily walk with God. After completing this series of courses, these maturing Christians have acquired additional tools for helping others with their growth in Christ and in reaching out to those not yet committed to Him. This is our desire.
General Comments
We encourage each student to prioritize these group sessions as much as possible. While the work is not difficult, purposeful effort is required to gain the most benefit most from each course. Keep in mind that almost anything truly worthwhile may be costly in some way.
Most class sessions will require about one hour of advance preparation time.
It is best not to miss more than two sessions during this course. It becomes difficult to catch up once you get behind.
These are interactive sessions.
Snacks are served.