What is this Life-to-Life Discipleship?

Deep in your soul you want to live a certain way, to know Christ and to make Him known in your context here in DC. You long to be one of those people who has an impact wherever God puts you, whomever you’re with, whatever the circumstances. But we can’t do this alone; we truly need people alongside us to bring perspective, grace and encouragement. For our purposes here, we’re using “discipleship” and “mentoring” interchangeably.

In that spirit, under the heading of Life-to-Life Discipleship are two models of mentoring: Organic mentoring and Structured.

Organic Mentoring is the classic, what you usually think of when the notion is raised. Two people, sometimes more, meeting on a regular or semi-regular basis to pray together and think out loud about what’s happening in their lives at the time. Sometimes there are crises to work through, sometimes not. Sometimes we address a topic, Bible study or read a book and discuss it, sometimes we do not. Some partnerships meet weekly, some monthly, and some meet on an as-needed basis.

Structured Mentoring is different in some regards. Again, it is between two people of different ages, but from the start they determine to meet just for a season, maybe six months. The framework is simple, crisp and repeatable which is part of the beauty. The outcome is two people who have been enriched and better equipped to do this same thing with two others. Can you see the multiplicative impact this has on God’s Kingdom?

There you have it: Simple. Basic. Time honored.


If either of these models is of interest to you, either on the older or younger end of the equation, click here.

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