What is CityLife?
Doing life together: Christ - Work - Mission - Community
Deep in your soul you want to live a certain way, to know Christ and to make Him known in your new context here in DC. You long to be one of those people who has an impact wherever God puts you, maybe as you dreamed about on campus or in the military. This is our dream, too. A CityLife Team is especially designed for you to thrive in four vital Pursuits: Christ, Work, Mission and Community. Here, keep going.
CityLife Team Commitment – It’s simple: CityLife Team members commit to these Four Pursuits:
Pursue Christ and walk with Him with all our hearts
Honor Christ in our workplaces, jobs or professions
Live and disciple among those without Christ – especially among our peers
Team with each other as Christ-followers of like heart and purpose
Some specifics:
Who can be part of a CityLife Team? Single, married, male, female, knowing other members or not, it doesn't matter. The only requirement is a heart for God and a desire to grow spiritually.
How do I find a team? It could be a group of friends or a more “random” selection of people or you might be joining an ongoing team.
Is there a curriculum? Yes, to start. The customizable curriculum primarily focuses on equipping the team in the Four Pursuits: Christ, Work, Mission and Community.
Is there a fee? No.
Is CityLife a small group? There are parallels. As we share our stories, bonding happens on a deeper level than we usually find in church small groups. It’s more a decision to live a certain way in regular community with a specific group of people and a group mentor, connecting deeply with God and with each other. Much use is made of the Bible and studies chosen by the teams. Team members usually belong to (often different) local church communities.
Who leads the team? Leadership is shared or rotated. With help from their mentor, each team decides how they want to frame their experience.
What is a CityLife team mentor? Each team has a mentor. Mentors are Navigators Staff or trusted partners. They attend meetings and coach the team leaders to address problems or issues as they arise, and will be available for 1-1 mentoring of team members as desired.
How long is the commitment? It’s up to the team. We recommend a trial period, usually 3-6 months. Typically, a team will last 1-4 years with on- and off-ramps at intervals.
How can I find out more? Contact Anne Cregger for the Navigators 20s DC teams. For information about other cities’ CityLife Teams go to www.nav20s.org/connect.