Betsy Barrows:
The Day I Fired Myself (and why you should, too!)
Traveling with friends in Turkey
As colleagues or friends move on to new ventures, we feel left behind, wondering whether or not it will ever be our turn. Betsy will share the unexpected truths she is learning about the costs of neglecting our current work as we worship at the idol of “what’s next.” She will challenge us to rethink how we approach our current work– which starts with facing ourselves and what we have left undone. You will come away from this session troubled and inspired. Troubled to realize the invisible costs of our disengagement, but inspired to make changes that will lead us towards a heart of peace in our work – a destination far more precious than the next job opportunity.
Born and raised in South Carolina, Betsy has lived and worked in the DC area for the past 12 years. Much of that time she has spent in the field of corporate training for a political media company based in Arlington. She loves to teach and build learning experiences that inspire her audience to engage in meaningful changes.
During the pandemic Betsy picked up hiking as a hobby and discovered the many beautiful places the DMV area has to offer. She is also an aspiring camper and bought her first tent last year. She loves discovering great places to eat, visiting her family in South Carolina, and spending quality time with her brother’s new Corgi – Benny Boy.