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Pints and Perspectives with David Hanke

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Hi. My name is David Hanke. About 10 years ago, a group of friends and I started a new church in Arlington called Restoration. We are broken people who are becoming restored by grace. I have 4 kids who are working their way through Arlington Public Schools, braces, lacrosse and music lessons. I've been married to Laurel for 22 full years of hope and challenge. In the fall my affections turn towards Longhorn Football, hiking in Shenandoah NP, and starting new things. Like this with the Navigators 20s/30s.

We’re glad. David's game to join us for an evening of food and beer and real questions in sort of a free-for-all space.

Some ideas: What’s the use of ‘organized church?’ Aren't we better off without religion? Can people really change? What does the Bible say about slavery? What about race? The role of women? There is so much violence in the Bible... and this is a GOOD God? I think it might be that religion causes violence. Why was Jesus called the Prince of peace? Why would I trust God if He won’t (or can't) do what I’ve asked him to do? What would God think of the refugee crisis?

Bring your own. If you're wondering, someone else probably is, too.

Rocklands is a local BBQ spot. It’s in N Arlington within walking distance of the Virginia Square Metro Station on the Orange Line. Free parking is also available. We'll be gathering upstairs (the stairs are tucked in at the very front of the place).

Hope you can join us!

Where? Rocklands BBQ UPSTAIRS (3471 Washington Blvd, Arlington, VA 22201)
When? Wednesday, October 2 at 7pm
Who's leading? David Hanke, Pastor, Restoration Arlington
What's to eat? Come at 7:00 to get the free food. When it's gone, purchase at will.
What's the topic? David will have a launching idea, but this is designed to be a good time for questions, so... Q&A, bring it!

RSVP below. Bring curious, even doubtful friends. This is a person who is willing to be asked the hard questions.