Michael is the founder, president and CEO of The Center for Christianity & Public Life, and the man had lots to say. Here are a few points:
“What does it mean to be faithful in and with public things?”
Michael was hugely influenced by Dallas Willard. “You cannot pursue spiritual formation in part — it has to be pursued in whole.”
Separation of church and state is not the same as the disappearance of moral knowledge. (Willard or maybe Wear)
Part of our calling is helping people understand the connection between the kind of person you are and the kind of politics you ascribe to.
My kingdom is the range of my effective will.
Everyone has business ethics when things are going well. Everyone is able to balance their accounting book with integrity when they know there’s a surplus.
“Out of alignment with God’s particular way” is a different way of saying “sin.”
There is a sense that discipleship has become seen as not essential to being Christian. That is discordant with historical Christianity.
Our close friend and member of our Advisory Team, Adam Sickle, created a podcast, Aspiring Altruists, and he interviewed Phebe Meyer, Michael’s Chief of Staff. Her story is one of beautiful melding of faith, vocation and life. Listen to the interview by clicking below.