1 Tim 2:5-6 - “There is one God & one Mediator between God & men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a Ransom for all…” Good morning, Anne. We live in a curious time. A time when many sincerely believe they can determine what’s true by what they choose to believe. Folks may refer to it as “my truth” & it is supposedly impervious to reality & previously undeniable facts. How did we get here? Well, I don’t know for sure, but I wonder if video games & 2 Thess 2:11 may have something to do with it. Video games, because most young men — with the age slowly increasing — are more invested in & engaged with virtual reality than they are with reality itself. We can’t invest more in one thing without decreasing our engagement with other things. The verse, because it is the stark summary of the principle expounded on in the second half of Romans Chapter One. The idea that God will “give us over” to what we want, should we stubbornly persist in our pursuit of it. In the face of all these illusions & delusions, the above verse says there is ONE God & ONE Mediator between Him & us. You & I are free to look for another way, if we insist on that. Good luck. Strangely, this Mediator also became a Ransom. You don’t see that every day… or actually, ever. John 14:6 sounds arrogant, until we combine it with this fact of His chosen humiliation & sacrifice. Lord, please help Anne & me to face Reality today, rather than trying to make up our own. Colossians 2:17