Sweet Fruit Out of Unexpected Suffering

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Just when life seemed full of new joy and hope after the birth of their first child, Rachel Barkley found herself paralyzed due to a rare spinal cord tumor. Suddenly she and her husband, Taylor, were thrust into a new world of hospitals, rehabilitation, pain, and a future that looked nothing like what they had been expecting. 

Listen as Rachel and Taylor share how, with God’s help, they faithfully have been moving through this period of suffering and into a new type of life. Despite their very real hardships, the Barkleys have experienced a more rich relationship with their Creator - and with friends and family. At a time when our entire world seems engulfed in suffering, Rachel and Taylor provide a good reminder of how God cares for us, even in the silent “trudging” times, and how walking by faith with humility can bear fruit even in the darkest times.