Jeff Saferite for 20s/30s Brunch in January 2020
If you made a resolution for the new year, there’s a pretty good chance that at least one of the goals you set concerns finances. Of Americans who make resolutions, almost 50 percent aim to save more and 30 percent want to stick to a budget. So it made sense for DC Nav20s to kick off the 2020 brunch season with a discussion on how to be good stewards of the money God has given us in order to maximize our service to the kingdom.
Jeff Saferite walked attendees through the question, “How can we live a radical lifestyle for Jesus, while also being financially responsible?”
For some, especially in this region with its high cost of living and escalating housing prices, imagining a life beyond apartment dwelling and scraping by can seem unrealistic. Thinking through finances often has far more to do with day-to-day living, stashing some cash for retirement, and—if you’re lucky—the occasional vacation splurge. Jeff invited us to think more broadly, with the goal of financial stability as a way to live into the kingdom of God and make kingdom-based decisions.