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October 21 Brunch!

Andrew Kim will be joining us for brunch this month. He’s currently leading the discussions on 4 Tuesday nights on the topic of Christianity and Singleness in the Potomac Yard neighborhood. He has plenty of other things to discuss with us, as well. We hope you can come!

This is a brunch from the past— just to give you a feel for it or to remember the days…

I’m so happy to introduce Andrew, whom you can’t see here. More on that later. He’ll be facilitating a conversation with us about technology and how it affects our relationships, choices and behavior.

He grew up in Cerritos, California, less than 10 miles from Disneyland. He’s lived in the States for most of his life, and overseas as well:  Seoul and Jerusalem.

Currently, Andrew works for the U.S. Department of Justice in downtown DC.  His alma mater is the University of Southern California (USC) but is also an alumnus of Norwich University, Cedarville University, and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

His family is Christian, and he’s known Jesus personally since he was 9 years old. He grew up in Baptist and Presbyterian churches and currently attends Capitol Hill Baptist.  Andrew describes himself as theologically Reformed, and his favorite theologians--from the past and the present--are Puritans, Baptists, and Presbyterians.

He connected deeply with The Navigators through its college ministry (while a student at USC in LA) and its military ministry (while an officer in the United States Marine Corps).  Andrew’s excited about being involved in Nav20s in DC, and about building an authentic Christian community in the DMV.